www.china-,Oct. 3-5, 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

ICT2024 Call for Sponsors 第十三届中西旅游大会赞助征集

Does your organization want to be known in the field of tourism and hospitality to all the China, Spain related education institutions, organizations and enterprises? Here is the right place for your organization to show up - be a sponsor of the International Conference of Tourism and Hospitality between China and Spain.

Calling for sponsors for ICT2024 is now open. It is a great opportunity for your organization to be a sponsor of ICT2024.

As a sponsor, your organization's logo and name will be published in our conference website and the official conference poster. Your organization will be known by experts and practitioners in the field in China, Spain and European countries.

For more details about opportunities and categories of sponsors, please send a mail to ict2024 at with the subject containing the word "sponsor". You can also contact the Shenzhen Tourism College, Jinan University for the sponsorship.

第十三届中西旅游大会公开征集赞助。我们欢迎所有的和旅游和酒店管理有关的组织,企业赞助大会。根据赞助 的等级,您的企业会出现在我们的赞助网页或主页。您的企业还可以在大会上陈述发言。有意赞助的单位请用邮件 发到ict2024@。邮件题头请注明:中西大会赞助字样。


University of Balearic Islands


Supporting Organization


UIB - a
                                  member of RedIntur

Asociación Española de Expertos
                                    Científicos en Turismo